Seriously, I have bought like 4 of the last 5 CDs by Italians I came across. Weird.
Like that book I read once and hated, but about less important things. blinkblink
So, what does one do with a kid who has talent, but seems set on running his career into a dead end accompanied by clichés? With posturing and bravado galore, Urban Mystic has released his new album GRIII: Old School 2 Nu Skool and it's doing, well, probably what everyone expected. But really, it's quite good and there is some more material on there than a lousy white boy like me would think. Oh gaaawd, I can here my mom sayin' "Don't judge books by their cover, son!" Well, thanks mom, how was I supposed to know? Momma said. One learns everyday. I've actually started browsing the Urban Music Blog. Ha, psyche! Where have all the cowboys gone? Probably
Listen to the ladies swoon when you play 'em THIS!